Living on the Ledge(r)

Poor thing. He was hot, too. I won't make an assumption until the autopsy report, though. I've learned the hardway that thinking before you know the facts will burn you in the end.


Anyhoo... I've found a new obsession. Saw Cloverfield this weekend and found a site called "cloverfield clues". I'll give some insight on a separate post, spoilers in the comments. Maybe I'll check it out later tonigt for some updates.


Going to dinner with an old friend next week. I knew her in high school and we drifted a bit, but found each other again. It's fun to talk about life with adult perspectives, and still act like a kid. There's a sense of control. ^_^

Oh yeah, don't think I've told you much about myself. I'm a manager of software and troubleshooting, with responsibilities to save the day, when necessary. Although I don't have people under me (yet), there is plenty of room to grow.

The company I work for will remain anonymous, which is a shame because their purpose is a strong conviction of mine and I share their belief... NYC is the greatest city in the world!

So although I don't market, or create fantastic images, I support the technology that lets others do. (was that even english? :P) I'm the Service Desk Manager and baby, I even have a card. Ha!

This year will start a wonderful opportunity for so many, if they choose to follow their dreams. I won't put up with drama this year, and I have a feeling I'll do even more traveling. But it will be a good year!




Unknown said…
You sound happy and excited and so I'm thrilled for you! I knew a guy who was a trouble-shooter for an airline's reservation system. He loved it.:)

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