My name is Marjorie... and I'm a sugarholic.

Yes, the thought of cinnamon imperials make my eyebrows raise with excitement. My feet stop when i pass a Tasti-D-Lite. And the craving for a candy apple is so great, i've been known to go on several adventures to find just the right one.

Why the obsession? Because i love sugar. ^_^

Sure it gives more calories than can be burned, and the crash is twice as deadly as the craving, but there's something about the tasty goodness of this sweet drug... Guess it's a good thing i don't like the taste of most alcohols!

I can't believe it's already the middle of January. Just got a renewal for my lease and i was going to argue i haven't been here for a year... but it just so happens i have been. Where did the time go?

Blah, i feel like i'm speaking impersonally again. Maybe i need to ease back into writing. It's been far too long. Once a week, at least. And i also have to visit some other sites, to get back into the swing of things.

School starts in Feb and that's the last class i'll have to take for my bachelor's. WHOO HOO i'm getting out. FINALLY. Wish i thought about some closer schools while i was in high school. Providence College was kind of shove down my throat, but it was nice to go away. Now i know about Waterfire, and what it feels like to forget the Star Spangled Banner at the Civic Center... that was a mess. I don't think i've been that nervous in all my life. hahahahaha

Providence was fun. The best part were the people i met. ^_^


Got a great rest this weekend. I don't think most girls would consider watching football relaxing, or even fun for that matter, but i love to watch patterns and learn new things, so i watched the games this weekend. If you've never watched a game... i seriously suggest watching them play in the snow! It's the best EVAR!!

Okay, this will do for now. I have to go off to bed now. After rearranging my apartment for the N-teenth time..

Have a good night everyone!

~Marj ^_^


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