New Year Freewrite

(freewrites are posts that are unedited so i can get my thoughts on the screen. some of the posts may be unreadable, but it can also be fun to try to decipher.)

figures that now that i've created a new blog i can't think of anything wo to write. i think i started this post at least four times already and now i'm listening to teh 25th annual putnam county spelling bee. i love this dmusical.

new years is was awesome. went to a nice place with a seven course meal and stuffed my face. hahahahhaa

see ieven this seems very forced. maybe i'll come up with something to be inspired about later. basically, this blog is gong going to recflect my transition into becoming an indivitdual again. i'm almos t embarassed to wri... post this blog. but, i need a beginning. ^_^


~Marj :D


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