Cloverfield and a slight obsession (SPOILERS)

okay... so i went with my sister to watch cloverfield (about two weeks ago). i liked it... but had NO idea the type of advertising went into it. So, when realizing there was something in the end scene that i missed, i went to google to look for scenes posted somewhere.

Apparently, there was such secrecy into releasing the movie in the first place, people have been keeping track online. One site was particularly helpful when it came to explaining everything (without spoilers). Cloverfield Clues

I seriously stayed up 2 hours to read all that was tied into the movie. Forums, myspace pages for each character, the companies that were fake and some real that were all in on the "game", and the overlying story that explained bits and pieces of the monster and how it all came to be.

The initial reading was eye opening and i felt a little sad that i wasn't able to participate in the "clues." My interest waned and i only checked the site a few times a week (instead of every day) after a while. While checking the other day, a new post was up to say Yahoo Movies put up an HD clip of the heroes running away from the monster a few weeks later. And low and behold.. they ran into a Spring Street subway station.

Hey, i said to myself, i know that station. That's right by NYU... And in that instant, i changed into adventure clothes (was in my pajamas :P) and went downtown. It took me a while to get there but it was exciting. Finally i was able to participate in the fun!

So, here are some pics i took of the location. Granted, if you haven't seen the movie, it's just more pics of NYC:

Now... for those of you that say, "Marj, that's silly, of course it's not just like new york city" well yes, this is true. But i have a fascination of visiting places from movies and video games. Just ask my sis how excited i was to visit Schloß Neuschwanstein (Gabriel Knight II).

So i'm looking forward to checking out what others have to say about my findings. Here's the post: Cloverfield Monster Revealed

There was a lot of commentary about if there was more than one monster, when Marlena was bitten, and where in the hell the smiley faces came from. I found the smiley face picture, but someone else on the comments found the artist responsible.

Here was my response (waiting to be approved):

It is possible it's from the London Police. I went down to the Spring Street Subway station to check out how close they got to the real street.... Here's what i found:

Crappy video here from my cell phone.
Pics on PhotoBucket here.

And.... there was an Wooster Collective art exhibit (including the London Police smiley face) at 11 Spring Street, down the block where the station is. Perhaps it wasn't exact because they didn't want to infringe on artists rights. But the locations match up, and there is graffiti similar to the photos i've taken.

There's scaffolding now, but you can still see part of the artwork.

Here's a blog post that's even more defined while they had the exhibit.

I can take more pics if needed.

~Marj ^_^

Sorry this is so random. I'm really excited to get this posted before anyone else, and since i'm here, i'm kind of an extended arm if they want more information onsite.

And with that, i say good night. Tomorrow i'm up bright and early to help with the Giants Welcome Home parade... Guess it would be wrong to wear my Jets sweatshirt to keep warm, huh?


~Marj ^_~


Unknown said…
Marj: This is SO cool! There are a number of websites for fans of Steve McQueen's movie "Bullitt" and one guy actually went around and took photos of filming locations. They look pretty much the same except a freeway was lost to a late 1990's earthquake on San Francisco! :)
Unknown said…
Marj: I almost screamed when I saw my photo here again. Just wanted to thank you for your ind comments on the Gala at my site. BTW: Your photo is so cool. It looks like you are being driven in a limo! :)

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