Orange Day!

I thought it was weird while going to work, how many people were wearing orange outside. Maybe today is orange day? Who knows!

But it is a leap year woooooooo!

Anyway, I think my new coat should be orange. Perhaps a bit on the rusty side, but more like pumpkin. Reminds me of orenji-renji which reminds me of bleach. Man I miss that show. And how the hell am I going to get yakitate! Japan? Guess that will be another manga to collect.

I miss watching anime. Netflixed Greystoke (tarzan film and chris lambert's debut) and found it wasn't as exciting as I remembered. Just didn't feel the same romance... Ah well. I love disney's version.

Had a week or two to myself - boyfriend is on vacation and away on a business trip. Although I miss him, it was nice to spend time with myself. I have 'room to breathe' and that feels nice.

My apple is up, but we're still trying to get it running. Gotta find those restore discs. Think they were thrown out during my last move. We'll see Maybe I'll just get tiger ^_^

Love it at work. Being overwhelmed with positive stress is not so bad. Funny though, I had a dream that my old boss offered me a job back with them.

Strange. Think I'll take a nap now. I'll write again soon!

written with style on a treo :P


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