Change at Jamaica

Went out to Long Island to visit my sis, her boyfriend and my dad. We had a great time playing Wii Bowling and talking. Her friend Chris kept us all entertained with his colorful language and his willingness to learn something new!

Heading home now, wishing the weekend was at least three days. Traveling really takes away from relaxing time. But the time I spend with my family is precious, and that time is something I won't set aside again.

Today's weather was beautiful! I had lunch outside and got a chance to walk around nyc. It was perfect for pictures and my subject was the statues of NY Public Library at Bryant Park.

My original plan was to get some soil and a planter for the onion that's growing in my apartment. Instead, I ended up at kinokuniya, a japanese bookstore. March 11th was supposed to bring the new volume of Fruits Basket, but I couldn't find it there.

Lurking down the block, I went to the small japanese market on 41st between 5th and madison. Found some sushi rice and seasonings for my sis and picked up a bento. I checked Book-Off to see if they had furuba, but again, no luck.

So, I took my lunch to the steps of the library and enjoyed myself.

Battery is running low.... Finish this later.

G'night. ~_~


Unknown said…
Marj: I planned to pot 3 plants for the sofa table yesterday (Look out Martha Stewart!) but decided, "Nah. It has a cleaner look with just my cool blue colored glass fixture in the center"! :)

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