I-CON 27 a formatted freewrite

Yes, it's been a while since I went to I-CON, but that time has come to an end. Bwahahahahaha

There is no stopping the geek from erupting.


Sorry, lost myself for a moment. Went to an anime/sci-fi convention today with my brother, suzuki-san. We watched all the people go by in their costumes and had some gaming fun.

I feel out of character writing like this, but maybe it's because I've denied the feelings from coming out for a while. Trying to find where I really exist, especially transitioning from one relationship to another.

Right now, I'm working at a company that applauds creativity, and given the opportunity to make decisions as a manager. Responsibility and all that stuff is fine, but am I still allowed to participate in the things I enjoyed when I was younger? Is that the difference between a stuffy executive and a creative intern?

Guess I'm thinking about this because of a book advertisement I saw on the subway. Something like "how to think, dress, act, plan....etc like the rich." if they have to be different than me, then I don't want to be rich like that. I'm happy doing things my way and living my life to the fullest.

Same goes with my position at a company. If I have to change my behavior or become someone else, I don't want a part of it. Though, some faiths teach to let go of the past self, to begin anew each time, I like me for me.

Yeah, this went totally off topic....

Gonna nap now. Only a few more hours of class..... Then, I graduate! ^_^

Have a good weekend everyone :D


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