Something Old, Something New

Sorry if this gets emo. The past was triggered by a face and I need to write.

Hm.. How to start this off. All the ideas are in my head, but they are thought out differently than how they appear on paper.

If you're the type of person that can relate to a character, or a character trait from a movie, cartoon, story, etc... this post is for you.

Just finished watching an anime called Mai Hime. It's about a group of girls getting powers to fight off monsters to help protect the world. I won't go into too much detail (no spoilers) but I related to the main character, Mai.

When she was little, she failed to watch her little brother and he was swept away down a river. Her mother saved him, but became ill due to the attempt. She asked Mai to take care of him, then she died. Her brother now has a heart condition because of this accident.

So she spent most of her adolescent life working to make sure his medical bills were covered. Not complaining or fighting with her brother, she kept smiling so that no one would know she was troubled.

I relate to her because there are many things she kept inside while showing the world she was okay. This is NOT a healthy thing to do... And someone in the show allowed her an outlet. Of course she fell in love with him.... Hee hee but I relate.

The other character I relate to is Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. She too wears a smile for the world, caring more for others than for her own well being.

Tohru's father died when she was young and she bonded deeply with her mother (get your mind out of the gutter!). Her mother died while she was a teen and she was forced to live on her own.

Pitching a tent unknowingly on a very rich family's property, she met the Sohma's. They had a curse! They were really the animals from the Chinese Zoodiac but no one knew.

Because of her gentle and clumbsy nature, and her great cooking, they all adored her. She came to love them too.... Especially one of them.

She goes to great lengths to see if she can try to break the curse... But I haven't finished the manga yet! O_O

I relate to her because she is so concerned about the others, she forgets to look for comfort for herself. Someone realized she needs that comfort and love and is willing to give it, though their future is a troubled one.

Having stories like these help me tremendously. I feel like there is someone out there, writing these plots and knowing what it is like to have these feelings.

So although the stories may be for a crowd younger than I, I find consolation that someone understands.

Maybe that's why writing is so important for me. It is a link to a universal understanding. No that's not the word... Writing is a bridge for those who share a similar understanding. A bridge to a very lonely island.



Unknown said…
Marj: I get it and I too am inspired by so many people from many different backgrounds and circumstances. That's why I enjoy biographies a lot. I always learn something about how others dealt with challenges.


Awesome, Marj!!!!!!

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