Well i tried!

Perhaps it was the chill in the air, or the fact i didn't plant it in the spring, or that it was a garlic clove... Maybe it's because it's manhattan... But my plant didn't make it. Poor thing. Maybe i should read more about planting :/

lot's happening, but i haven't been in the mood to blog about it.

On my way to CT now for some tacos at our fav sports bar. Halloween is coming up and i'm excited. Just wait for the pics ^_^

was going to blog about something, but my train of thought wandered......

Ah well. I'm disappointed with this post. Another free write that didn't even take up my train time ;_;



Unknown said…
I always like your posts, Miss Marj! A limo ride with Marj to CT. for Tacos. Opening the sunroof and razzing people as we drive by!!! FUN!

"Mr. Manning" (ugh I hate that phrase--they torture me with it at work, so I started calling everyone by "Mr." HA!)

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