
have to make sure i keep writing. completely hung up on fruits basket. it's amazing how someone else can know how you feel. or how we actually relate to fictional characters. but i tguess they have to come from somewhere, right? our thoughts, dreams, experiences and feelings all pour into something we careate. of course we'll find some likeness to our own lives, some of us do anything to ifind tha trelationship.

i tend to like the stories that have self-sacrificing characters. mai hime, for instance is a story about a girl who ellearns about her super powers . she's fighting (that reminds me, i was never good at summarizing. even when i wsas in 12 seconds grade, someone asked me abuout the story's subject, or the plot orf something i and i couldn't help but go into detail. i was fastcinated that i could remember it all, and then the teacher called on soemeone else.....

i'd love to write a book. i want to write stories. i want to amake something someone else would like to read. but like another character from another fictional storiy, ,ik have a lot of learning to do to breadk create my background. AHA... i have worlds ... words coming out of my findgers that want to make themselves seen on the page while i'm trying to make a slithlgty slightly different pont. maybe if i type a little slower, my mistakes won't come up so often.

also notice how the typing looks wonderful, until i get to one mistake, then another, then they all fall down.

thank you, mr. manning for stoppyiing by. you always do so much with your blog - speak for people that may not have the voices needed t o hear their cause. it's a wonderful thing that you do.

yes, writing. i want to live in a house somewhere in the mountains and write. only come to the city for months at a time, tehn go off to my hide away place. i suppose i king d kind of thhave that now. a place to retreat to. the feeling of walking on the beach, no matter the weather - the salty air, the sun on your face, the wind in your hair even the squish of wet sand under foot, there's no mistaking it's wehere i belong. i feel at peach at peace. o no cell [phones, no arguing over cab fare, no running people over with an SUV, just water, rock, adnd air.

ha... i am aquarius after all...


Unknown said…
Marj: lol to you for your sweet words...from a sweet person! :) I was very touched. You rock!

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