
Peopo (pea · po) - the word my brother used for "people" when he was 2 years old. He used to sit on the floor and play with the Fisher Price Little People Garage set and talk about the peopo.

Why do i mention this all of a sudden? CBS has a saturday morning program lineup called Kewlopolis. Yes, i still watch saturday morning programming! ^________^ One of the skits between shows is called tinpo™.

These cute little four legged people run around trying to solve a problem in 30 seconds. Sometimes they take the hard way out... like cloning themselves to move a factory to line up with a truck with wheels.

Here is Duxx... he's got hazard warnings all over!

You'll just have to watch the movies for yourself. ^_^

The music and sound in the background remind me of videogame music and sound effects. That trianglewave we all know and love from Nintendo. I think i'll have to find the characters and collect them. One more thing sit on my shelf. But they're so CUET!

Searching the web, i found that their creators used to work for Nike and would pass character ideas back and forth all the time. Most of the creatures they've sold as toys were already in their heads with stories and illustrations. They just had to come up with a 3-D version. Check out the interview here.

And also, UNKL Brand's website.

One of the creators was asked why the suffix "po". He said it just seemed right and every character with the four legs would get the ending from then on. It still reminds me of the peopo my brother used to play with.

~marj :D


Unknown said…
Saturday mornings for me as a tot were mesmerizing! :D

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