
Showing posts from April, 2009


why did the mets lose it in the 4th....?? why, why did this possum guy let them tie the game. ah well, we'll see who comes out on top. went to karaoke today , only a few people showedup . guess i'll invite less people next time. more people come when thehy're not invited. ^_^ time to come up with a story. i want to write about my experiences, but there is so much i don' twant to divulge. we'll see what happens when it's all written ougt. think tonight wil be a short one, i'd like to get to bed at a semi-decent hour. should find out when the next fruitsbasked ti somcing out. we'l see. sorry tfor the short one, but there are still a few things to get done. g'night.


didn't get a chance to write last night, so i'm filling in this morning. this time, i'm trying to tpype slower to reduce the amount of typos.... but i guess that's not the purpose of a freewrite. ah well. very proud of my sister! she's compeleted her first "for pay:" musical, Cinderella as the fairy godmother. should wbe awesome. going to see her later today. then there is the point that i can't go to shana's party :( i wanted to go, but the way the driving worked out, i won't be able to make it. we'll see what's to happen. i still haeve her card. dreamt about anthony last night. he was back in the states and i let him get in th in mommy's car and we drove him home. maybe i should shoot him an email as well. i want to start up more stories, hopefully when i get used to typing on a daily basis, i'll be able to write up some dreams or stories i think about during the day . should be a lot of tfun. today we'll reach ...


have to make sure i keep writing. completely hung up on fruits basket. it's amazing how someone else can know how you feel. or how we actually relate to fictional characters. but i tguess they have to come from somewhere, right? our thoughts, dreams, experiences and feelings all pour into something we careate. of course we'll find some likeness to our own lives, some of us do anything to ifind tha trelationship. i tend to like the stories that have self-sacrificing characters. mai hime, for instance is a story about a girl who ellearns about her super powers . she's fighting (that reminds me, i was never good at summarizing. even when i wsas in 12 seconds grade, someone asked me abuout the story's subject, or the plot orf something i and i couldn't help but go into detail. i was fastcinated that i could remember it all, and then the teacher called on soemeone else..... i'd love to write a book. i want to write stories. i want to amake something so...


i have to start writing again. the words are being lost in my head, or on paper that's not frata transferred to an online outlet. i have to start writing again. i'll naever make it to a book if i don't get to writing. there was a facevbook or myspace application called write or die . different things would happen to the screen if you stopped typing. you could set a sercertain abmmount of time on the clok ck and then start typing away. it was fun ot see what could come out. i'd like to write a storey from all the things i used to dream up when i was younger. i would alwrays reiwrite stories and save them on floppy discs. yes, do you remember what a lfloppy disc was? i had a story similar to beauty and the besast (tv show , not the fairytale). a woman's attacked and a hideous beast saves her. i really should find those old stories. think i'll also come up with scenes every tniight before bedtime. my bcreative mind is starting to go away, as is my abi...