
didn't get a chance to write last night, so i'm filling in this morning. this time, i'm trying to tpype slower to reduce the amount of typos.... but i guess that's not the purpose of a freewrite. ah well.

very proud of my sister! she's compeleted her first "for pay:" musical, Cinderella as the fairy godmother. should wbe awesome. going to see her later today.

then there is the point that i can't go to shana's party :( i wanted to go, but the way the driving worked out, i won't be able to make it. we'll see what's to happen. i still haeve her card.

dreamt about anthony last night. he was back in the states and i let him get in th in mommy's car and we drove him home. maybe i should shoot him an email as well.

i want to start up more stories, hopefully when i get used to typing on a daily basis, i'll be able to write up some dreams or stories i think about during the day . should be a lot of tfun.

today we'll reach 70degrees. then rain later on tonight. looking forward to spending time with my dear. time is helping to heal. ^_^


Unknown said…
All good, Marj! Congrats to your sister for her milestone. I like "freewrite"...very nice! :)

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