
i have to start writing again. the words are being lost in my head, or on paper that's not frata transferred to an online outlet. i have to start writing again. i'll naever make it to a book if i don't get to writing. there was a facevbook or myspace application called write or die . different things would happen to the screen if you stopped typing. you could set a sercertain abmmount of time on the clok ck and then start typing away. it was fun ot see what could come out.

i'd like to write a storey from all the things i used to dream up when i was younger. i would alwrays reiwrite stories and save them on floppy discs. yes, do you remember what a lfloppy disc was? i had a story similar to beauty and the besast (tv show , not the fairytale). a woman's attacked and a hideous beast saves her. i really should find those old stories.

think i'll also come up with scenes every tniight before bedtime. my bcreative mind is starting to go away, as is my ability to speak properly. troubleshooting and reapeadint repeating myself so often really puts a negative spin on my writin g and speech.

imagine you were trying to form a sentence and you couldn't get anything past 4 hwords. that's how i feel. like i have to speekaa slowly and as clearly as possibe orthersiwise domeone won't understand my instrcutions. it's an inrcredibly interesting thing to notiece, especially when you have to speak slowly to make sure what you mean comes out your mouth.

then again ,m i don't think too many people would complain if they had the ability to speak slowly and clearly. it's all very interesting.

so i think i'll start doing freewrites or a story every night. just to get the creative juices flowing again. it almost makes me cry that i've come so far away from story telling/writing.... i really miss it and wonder how i could have ever given such a deep part of me up because i thought it would bring me closer to someone i could never have.

interesting, indeed.


Unknown said…
You're so right. Marj. I took a weekend seminar in Screenwriting at a cool bookstore from Jeb Rosebrook (featured on "THE INTERVIEW" over on my site). He said "Write something down everyday". I do and I look forward to reading more from you. You have always struck me as a person with much to give. :)

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