
It's been quite a while since posting here. With Facebook and other social sites, it's easier to instantly add pictures and comments and rants in one click. The need for immediacy renders the blog almost too time consuming for those with busy schedules.

For a while now, i've thought about settling down, trying to steer away from technology and go back to a simpler way of life. With my profession, it may seem impossible, but i'm trying to find the time and resources to do it.

Here's what i've been up to lately.

Just joined the Tenant's Association at my apartment complex. Since i've signed on for another year's lease, i think i'd like to participate more in what goes on around me at home. I've gone to some of their meetings already and it looks like we may get some work done this year.

One of the members of the executive board has also set up mentoring programs for young men. He received interest from women as well and i've signed up for that too. I consider myself a successful professional. I also come from a mixed ethnic background and can relate to some and share my experiences with others. If i can show 1 person that working just a little harder than average will get them soaring, just imagine what they'll do when they go above and beyond?

I've also joined an arts and craft Meetup group that donates their creations to different charities and organizations. This will help me schedule some time around work and get me out of the office so i can do the things i really enjoy. I don't want work to consume me any more.

Every weekend i will also try to attend the crochet meetups in my neighborhood. I always have fun when i go and it's a shame when they meet by my apartment and i can't make it.

I'm not trying to brag or display anything other than my need to do something more with the resources only i have to give.

Even though i post all this with some edits, i still feel i can speak more freely here than on any other site. Writing in diaries has always been with me. You can't tweet that.



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