
Showing posts from January, 2008

Edwards is out.... :(

Wah.... Edwards dropped out of the race. Ah well.... Now I have to support someone else.... Where to go? Who knows?! I think McCain may win, but anything is possible. :/

Living on the Ledge(r)

Poor thing. He was hot, too. I won't make an assumption until the autopsy report, though. I've learned the hardway that thinking before you know the facts will burn you in the end. --- Anyhoo... I've found a new obsession. Saw Cloverfield this weekend and found a site called "cloverfield clues". I'll give some insight on a separate post, spoilers in the comments. Maybe I'll check it out later tonigt for some updates. --- Going to dinner with an old friend next week. I knew her in high school and we drifted a bit, but found each other again. It's fun to talk about life with adult perspectives, and still act like a kid. There's a sense of control. ^_^ Oh yeah, don't think I've told you much about myself. I'm a manager of software and troubleshooting, with responsibilities to save the day, when necessary. Although I don't have people under me (yet), there is plenty of room to grow. The company I work for will remain anonym...

NYC Doggies OWNZ You!!

If you live in a rich, urban neighborhood, you may have seen them. Only slightly larger than a rat, a little more hair than grandpa joe, and legs that couldn't hold up a footstool we notice... The tiny dogs of NYC. They literally come in all shapes and sizes, and I do believe they have a chance to be the next species to rule the world. Let's look at a few things that are done for these little dogs: 1. People give them baths. 2. People take them for walks. 3. People pick up their poop! 4. Some people CARRY these dogs like babies. (i used to do this when I was...oh, 5 years old!) Now you may say "but they can't do those things on their own." True, we've domesticated the poor dears, but to spoil them with doggie boutiques and fashion shows...they will eventually learn to speak and come to rule the world. Hahahahaha All this because I noticed someone holding a doggie in their coat. Poor thing, so small it must have been cold! ~Marj ^_~

Successful Utter!

It's not fair... the utterz sound much better over a home phone than the cell. maybe i need a better cell phone... :P Mobile post sent by ladywyntir using Utterz .    Replies .   mp3
Mobile post sent by ladywyntir using Utterz .    Replies .   mp3

My name is Marjorie... and I'm a sugarholic.

Yes, the thought of cinnamon imperials make my eyebrows raise with excitement. My feet stop when i pass a Tasti-D-Lite . And the craving for a candy apple is so great, i've been known to go on several adventures to find just the right one. Why the obsession? Because i love sugar. ^_^ Sure it gives more calories than can be burned, and the crash is twice as deadly as the craving, but there's something about the tasty goodness of this sweet drug... Guess it's a good thing i don't like the taste of most alcohols! I can't believe it's already the middle of January. Just got a renewal for my lease and i was going to argue i haven't been here for a year... but it just so happens i have been. Where did the time go? Blah, i feel like i'm speaking impersonally again. Maybe i need to ease back into writing. It's been far too long. Once a week, at least. And i also have to visit some other sites, to get back into the swing of things. School starts in ...

New Year Freewrite

(freewrites are posts that are unedited so i can get my thoughts on the screen. some of the posts may be unreadable, but it can also be fun to try to decipher.) figures that now that i've created a new blog i can't think of anything wo to write. i think i started this post at least four times already and now i'm listening to teh 25th annual putnam county spelling bee. i love this dmusical. new years is was awesome. went to a nice place with a seven course meal and stuffed my face. hahahahhaa see ieven this seems very forced. maybe i'll come up with something to be inspired about later. basically, this blog is gong going to recflect my transition into becoming an indivitdual again. i'm almos t embarassed to wri... post this blog. but, i need a beginning. ^_^ HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone! ~Marj :D