it's been a while

yeah, it's been a while. i've been living my life. all the ups and downs *hahahaha have to gthing of where i left my aunti e maime dvd. i'd like to watch it again.

just watheched a great movie called "Spider". Gonna read the book . ralph fiennes plays a psychotic that goes through the memories is of his childhood. i love that stars are getting back into really acting . this movie was an independent filem and had several famous names. the art is coming out again - hopefully it woasn't driven by money.

walked the central park this afternoon. the day slipps away when you wake up so late in the day, but i got to be d late. same thing will happen tonight i'm sure. but at lseast this tim e i took a nap

beigning to feel restless again. i'm sure it's a little bit due to the weather, no that's not right. it's probably because i'm thinking too much about being alone. although i'm man introvert, enjoying life on you rown is only so fulfilling. i am my own refuge. i've been my own refuge for a very long time. i'm tired of being my own support.

that's going to change soon. ^_^

tried to make doughnuts tonight, but i don't have a doughnut pan. this was the link:
getting back to my roots as a vegan baker.

thought of a new storyline, but i'm having trouble writing. should start doing m sty story freewrites again. at least this way i would get my mind flowing again.

i can't remember the dream i had last night. :() don't like the feel of that.

guess my life is getting a little scarttered, like this post. but then i thiink it's late, and i should follow my rule of not thinking of heavy subjects after midnight. just been a little down all day beacause i miss interaction.

nyc is probably the only place that is flooded with people and one can still be lonely....


Unknown said…
Loneliness is a pervasive problem in our country. It affects all ages and yet, I find it cool to drop by a pet store and escape with the puppies and cats. Or if you aren't into animals, it's cool to think of a volunteer thing you can do with your own custom schedule. For me, that is Therapeutic Horsemanship. So cool! It gets me out of my own concerns and helping others, then you say "Wow! I made a difference
in someone's life today".

You are so cool, Ms, Marj! :)
Lois Lane said…
Awww, I'm sorry you are lonely! It was nice seeing that you posted here. I've missed you!

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