
i love these little impromptu freewrites. today was a good day. not too much coming from the manager - i had a chance to step off the desk and wrok a litle on my own projects.

most of you problably don't even know what i do.

i'd say i'm a technician, but that's too plain. not really just a technician, but.. cbecause i also do customer srevice. my title is service desk manager, i handl eall the forward facing issues.

my fingers are just not typing waht's in my head. hahahaha

think of it this way. you're working on your computer, typing away when the A key stops working. what do you do? if you were working in an office, you'd most likely contact your local Help Desk. But do you remember the number? Of course not, you haven't had to contact them since the previous month when your password didn't work. there was no reason to keep that number, you could manage on your own.

so, with thebroken A key, you look through your phone books to see if the number is written somewhere. did you write it on a post-it, was it published with the rest of the phone directory? probably not. But! A-HA! you have their email address. so, you send them an email, incorectly spelled because you're missing one of the most commonly used vowels in the english alphabet - the only thing worse would be to miss an E, when you couldn't spell out the email address at all.


I'm the person that receives the phone call or email. carefully reading every word, i gather all information related to the problem and come up with a few solutions before i give you a call. you notice i'm calling and a sense of relief lifts your shoulders. Marj is calling.

my voice is soothing, i understand your worry, listen to your description of what might be wrong with the computer (even if it has nothing to do with the troubleshooting we're about to begin) and want to hellp you as quickly as possible so you can make that deadline.

with effortless tranquility, we walk through the steps to rebooting your computer to see if that helps bring the A key back. typing out your username, we test the a and the A and both are working perfec tly. i assure you th e issue was on our end, nothing to worry about and that we'll monitor the issue through the rest of the day. if you have any other questions, you now have the number to call and know that Marj will be there to help.

did that just sound incredibly arrogant? hahahaha sorry for the sarcasem. there are so manyissues that arise from working with people who are goo dat what they do, just not good at using the equipment meant to make their jobs easier.

thank you all and good night ^_^



Unknown said…
You are so COOL! :D) I enjoy your Blogging style Marj!
Unknown said…
Good Morning on July 13th Marj! If you were in Arizona, we'd be having a very nice breakfast at a cool cafe. :D) You sound busy...

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